Illegal Content: Reports and Appeals (EU Only)

EU Only

The following information only applies to players covered by the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA). If you're outside of the EU and looking to submit a report, check our Player Reporting Guide.

Reporting Illegal Content

Per Article 12 of the DSA, EU players may report illegal content by filling out our Illegal Content Report Form.

Once we get your ticket, our player support agents will review the report, determine what action will be taken, and email you the result. 

What Is Illegal Content?

"Illegal" is a broad term, so we’ve summarized specific activities into key categories to provide some guidance—including an "Other Illegal Content" section for areas we might've missed.

Animal Welfare
  • Intentionally harming animals or illegally buying, selling, and trading animals/animal parts.
    • Includes: Animal harm, unlawful sale of animals
Consumer Information Infringements
  • Violating consumer rights during the sale of goods or services.
    • Includes: Misleading information about goods, services, or consumer rights, hidden advertisements
Data Protection and Privacy Violations
  • Violating privacy by disclosing, collecting, or handling unauthorized personal information.
    • Includes: Data breaches, data falsification, buying, selling, trading of personal data (including logins and passwords)
Illegal or Harmful Speech
  • Communicating offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual.
    • Includes: Defamation, discrimination, hate speech
Intellectual Property Infringements
  • Manufacturing, selling, or distributing counterfeit or pirated goods for commercial gain.
    • Includes: Infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets
Negative Effects on Civic Discourse or Elections
  • Spreading false, inaccurate, or misleading information designed to intentionally cause public harm.
    • Includes: Misinformation, disinformation, foreign information manipulation
Non-Consensual Behavior
  • Engaging in harmful behavior not agreed to by one or more people involved.
    • Includes: Non-consensual image sharing, non-consensual items using a third party’s features, online bullying, stalking
Pornography or Sexualized Content
  • Spreading or sharing pornographic or sexually explicit content.
    • Includes: Sharing pornographic or sexually explicit content via in-game chat, lobbies, or direct messages, unsolicited sexually explicit private messages, sexual exploitation or solicitation
Protection of Minors
  • Engaging in sexual behaviors with minors.
    • Includes: Grooming, sexual enticement of minors, sexual content involving children
Risk for Public Security
  • Endangering the safety and security of the public.
    • Includes: Illegal organizations, terrorist content, risk for environmental damage or public health
Scams or Fraud
  • Intentionally using methods of deceit or dishonest means to deprive a group or individual of their money, property, or legal rights.
    • Includes: Fake businesses or schemes, account hijacking, phishing, pyramid schemes
  • Communicating the intent to inflict pain, injury, or damage to oneself.
    • Includes: Promoting eating disorders, self-mutilation, suicide
Unsafe, Non-Compliant, or Prohibited Products
  • Promoting, facilitating, or participating in the buying, selling, or exchange of illegal drugs or contraband.
    • Includes: Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms
  • Communicating the intent to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action in an illegal manner.
    • Includes: Coordinated harm, gender-based violence, human exploitation, human trafficking, violent threats, death threats, severe injuries
Other Illegal Content
  • Suspected illegal content not captured by any of the above categories.

Appealing a Penalty or a Report

We are committed to creating a safe, inclusive space for all, and take reports of illegal content very seriously. That said, it's equally important to us that we don't penalize those who were wrongly accused—which is why we thoroughly investigate and verify all reports of illegal content prior to taking action.

Penalties resulting from verified violations of illegal content are generally not lifted or adjusted, and correctly placed penalties will not be removed.

If you do not agree with the penalty applied to your account or the outcome of your report, you may submit an appeal by filling out the form below.


Transparency Report

Per the DSA's Article 15 regarding Riot Games Ltd. as a Hosting Service, we are creating a transparency report detailing Riot's live service content moderation policies. We will add it to this page as soon as it's available.

Designated Point of Contact

Per Article 11 of the DSA, authority figures of member states, the European Commission, and the European Board for Digital Services may contact us directly at or through physical mail at:

Riot Games Ltd.
Attn: Legal Department
PO Box 11989
Dublin 2

To help facilitate the process on our side, we kindly ask that all requests are sent in English or are accompanied by an English translation. While we'll do our best to attend requests made in other languages, English correspondence will always result in the quickest response.


To further expedite the process, we suggest including all the information you have on the given account, such as associated emails, nicknames, and purchase information (card numbers, transaction identifiers, etc.).

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