Submit a request
From tech to tilt, we're here to help you!
Submit a Ticket! So long as it doesn't fall through a portal, we'll get back to you soon.
Invalid Username Characters
The username you've provided has non-alphanumeric characters (usernames only use letters A-Z and numbers 0-9).
Please double-check that you're not entering your in-game name and try again. If you're not sure what your username is, your best guess can still help us find the right account and get you back into the game!
Invalid Username Length
The username you've provided is either too short or too long (usernames are 4 – 24 characters).
Please double-check your username and try again. If you're not sure what your username is, your best guess can still help us find the right account and get you back into the game!
Multiple Accounts Found
Multiple accounts match the information you've provided, making it difficult to recover your account.
Try doublechecking the username, Riot ID/Summoner name, and Region you provided to help us find the right account. If you're confident in the details you've submitted, submit a ticket to hand off the current information to an agent, who will do their best to locate your account!
Try doublechecking the username, Riot ID/Summoner name, and Region you provided to help us find the right account. If you're confident in the details you've submitted, submit a ticket to hand off the current information to an agent, who will do their best to locate your account!
We've sent the password recovery information to: Just follow the instructions to get back in action!
If you are still unable to log in, select the button below to get help from an agent. For any other issues, please reach out via the relevant ticket form.
Uh oh...
It looks like my poro-gramming has encountered an error!
We'll try to get this sorted out ASAP, so please try again in 15 minutes.
We're hyped that you want to share your art with us, but it looks like you've requested 0 or negative [[currency]]—and that simply won't do for a masterpiece like yours! Please come back and share your art with us when you're just a little bit shy of some coveted content.
Recent Submission Found
ANOTHER masterpiece?! And this one's even better than the last!
Ah... It looks like you were already rewarded for another S-tier submission fairly recently. We respect the hustle, but we want to make room for everyone's art to shine—which is why we ask that you wait a few months between [[currency]] Art submissions. So tuck this one away in your portfolio and reach out to us a bit later!
Your heart may be full of passion, but your submission attachment field is looking a bit empty. 😢
The second word of our [[currency]] Art program is pretty important, so be sure to include an art submission with your ticket.
Stuck on what to draw? Send us whatever original [[game]] drawing you like! Some players like to manifest the item they'll purchase with their desired [[currency]] by drawing it, while others just scribble their favorite character. And don't worry if you're just as short on artistic skill as you are on [[currency]]—it's the thought that counts!
Requested [[currencies]] Too High
Wow... I might just be a bot, but this art has me feeling some kind of way!✨
Alas, we've only set aside a few [[currency]] per player to make sure we can honor EVERYBODY'S art, and your request is a little too high. Keep in mind that these funds are meant to cover the difference when you're just shy of something you want to buy, so reach back out next time you're a handful of [[currency]] away from something you want!
No [[currencies]] Found
Ah! A true work of art!
Hmm... It looks like you currently have 0 [[currency]] on your account. While your passion inspires us, our art program is meant to cover the difference when you're just short of the funds you need for a specific item—not to give away "free" [[currency]].
Thank you for respecting the spirit of this system! If you ever find yourself a handful of [[currency]] shy of your dream item, we have a spot in our gallery reserved just for you.
We made this program to help close the gap when you're THIS CLOSE to some content you've had your eye on, but you don't want to buy a bunch of extra currency just to get it. That's why we only accept your works of art for currency you can't unlock by simply playing.
You made this?! DANG. Talk about talented!
I'd love to see what this art is worth in [[currencies]], but it looks like we don't yet offer self-service support in your region. Still want to get your art appraised? Try reaching out to a Player Support agent via the regular ticket form.
If you think you're associated with the wrong location, go here to check and update your account's region:
Attachment Required
Please provide screenshots, receipts of purchase, or other details to expedite our investigation into this report.
Player Not Found
We are unable to match the provided name to any of the players in your last 20 matches.
Please double-check the in-game name you’re reporting and try again.
Player Not Found
We are unable to match the provided name to any of the players in your last 20 matches.
Please double-check the in-game name you’re reporting and try again.
You can also report players from recent games via your match history.
Already Reported
It looks like you already submitted a report for this player. Thank you for your diligence, and rest assured we're looking into their behavior.
Uh oh...
It looks like my poro-gramming has encountered an error!
We'll try to get this sorted out ASAP, so please try again in 15 minutes.
That’s a bit much
It looks you’re interested in participating in our Art-for-Currency program, which is great! We love giving players that extra little push when they’re thiiis close 🤏.
But the emphasis is on “little”—it’s really more of a nudge over the finish line than a full-bodied push.
We understand that what’s “little” is subjective. However, the multiple requests you’re submitting after being told you’re asking for too much feel less like trying to get a little help and more like seeing how much you can get, which isn’t really the spirit of this offer.
Because of that, we’re putting a short cooldown on this account for any further Art-for-Currency requests.
Please come back later when you’re SUPER close to your content, and we’ll be glad to help.
If there are any other issues you’d like to go over, please submit a new ticket and we’ll get you sorted.
Are you sure this is the right currency?
It looks like you originally asked for an in-game currency or content that isn’t supported by the [[currency]] Art program before switching to [[currency]].
While we’re happy to help you out, we just want to be sure you’re looking to get some [[currency]]. If you get this little boost now, this account will be put on a cooldown that prevents it from getting any other [[currency]] for a good chunk of time.
If that sounds good, then continue submitting your request by clicking here!!
Otherwise, it may be better to save this opportunity for a rainy day.